Monday, June 10, 2013

The New Blog

I am trying to reestablish a blog after the demise of the iWeb product last year.  I did not have time to switch things over then, so I will try to add history and new stuff as I get a chance.

My plan is to use this as much to keep track of what I am working on from a hobby standpoint as much as to communicate with others.  Maybe it will prove useful to others on occasion.  At least it can be a place to house and share pictures.

Below are pictures from the Gettysburg - Longstreet's Attack game that I put on at Little Wars in April this year in line with the 150th Anniversary of the battle.


  1. Good start, Bill. I'm going to email a suggestion to you.

  2. A great looking game Bill, sometimes you just can't beat 54mm! I love the scenery. Good luck with the new blog.

    Best wishes, Brian
